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C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (By Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield.)

Using C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 you'll discover the most effective Qt 4 programming patterns and techniques as you master key technologies ranging from Qt's model/view architecture to Qt's powerful new 2D paint engine. The authors provide readers with unparalleled insight into Qt's event model and layout system. Then, using realistic examples, they introduce superior techniques for everything from basic GUI development to advanced database and XML integration.

- Includes new chapters on Qt 4's model/view architecture and Qt's new plugin support, along with a brief introduction to Qtopia embedded programming

- Covers all Qt fundamentals, from dialogs and windows to implementing application functionality
Introduces best practices for layout management and event processing

- Shows how to make the most of Qt 4's new APIs, including the powerful new 2D paint engine and the new easy-to-use container classes

- Contains completely updated material in every chapter

- Presents advanced Qt 4 techniques covered in no other book, from creating both Qt and application plugins to interfacing with native APIs

- Contains an in-depth appendix on C++/Qt programming for experienced Java developers

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ISBN: 131872494

Издатель: Prentice Hall PTR

Год издания: 2021

Страниц: 560

Язык: английский

Качество: high

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