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Digital Lighting and Rendering. 2nd Edition. (by Jeremy Birn)

This new edition has advanced along with changes in technology, in software, and in the industry. To keep up with an evolving field, every chapter has grown with new techniques and concepts. Issues such as occlusion and global illumination, which had been relegated to single sections in the first edition, are now woven throughout the book, in discussions of different issues from architectural rendering to render passes. A new chapter has also been added on understanding studio production pipelineshow professionals work together in different positions to create feature-film visual effects and computer animated features.

Credits Team BBL

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Lighting Design
Chapter 2. Lighting Basics and Good Practices
Chapter 3. Shadows and Occlusion
Chapter 4. Lighting Environments and Architecture
Chapter 5. Lighting Creatures, Characters, and Animation
Chapter 6. Cameras and Exposure
Chapter 7. Composition and Staging
Chapter 8. The Art and Science of Color
Chapter 9. Shaders and Rendering Algorithms
Chapter 10. Designing and Assigning Textures
Chapter 11. Rendering Passes and Compositing
Chapter 12. Production Pipelines and Professional Practices

ISBN: 321316312

Издатель: New Riders Press

Год издания: 2002

Страниц: 432

Язык: английский

Качество: отличное

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