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InDesign Type: Professional Typography with Adobe InDesign CS2 (Nigel French)

Книги по InDesign на русском языке можно пересчитать по пальцам. Придется учить английский ...

It's no mystery why InDesign has become the premier page layout program: It offers great tools-not least among them its sophisticated typographic controls. Here to show you how to take advantage of them is the first book devoted solely to that topic. Whether you're a graphics pros migrating from InDesign's long-entrenched competitor QuarkXPress or a hobbyists producing fancy invites and book-length projects, you'll appreciate this guide's finely tuned focus on everything typographic. Realizing that to take full advantage of InDesign's typographic tools, you must understand the principles guiding their use, author Nigel French addresses both the whys and the hows of good typography. Using practical examples, and loads of tips, Nigel provides a comprehensive overview of all of InDesign's type features, including the Paragraph Composer, optical kerning, and its support for OpenType fonts. Starting with character formats and then moving through paragraph formats, styles and effects, and layouts, you'll have gained all the skills they need to produce beautiful type by the end of the volume.

Издатель: Adobe Press

Год издания: 2016

Страниц: 280

Язык: английский

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