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В 1947 году герцог Виндзорский (1894–1972) купил герцогине Виндзорской (1896–1986) лакированной кожи тачку марки «Эрме».

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Myth and Metamorphosis. Picasso's classical print of the 1930s (Lisa Florman)

The book's argument is built around detailed analyses of several separate print series: Picasso's illustrations for Ovid's Metamorphoses, the etchings of the Vollard Suite, and The Minotauromachy. Common to all of them, the book shows, is a strong engagement not only with the classical, but with the viewer. In the latter, Picasso's prints are clearly at odds with the understanding of the relationship between classical art and its audience that prevailed throughout most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries--an understanding that held the work's purported autonomy to mirror the viewer's own. By exposing that autonomy as a fantasy, Picasso opens the "classical" work and its viewer alike to the entanglements of desire and the dissolution of boundaries it inevitably brings.

пароль: infanata

ISBN: 262561557

Издатель: The MIT Press

Год издания: 2002

Страниц: 281

Язык: Английский

Качество: Хорошее

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