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Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook (Sclater & Chironis)

Альбом более чем 2500 вариантов конструкций узлов и механизмов. Рисунки и описания к ним на английском.

А вот выдержка из оригинальной аннотации:

2,501 mechanisms and mechanical devices – at your fingertips!

A one-of-a-kind pictorial directory, Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook, Third Edition, gives you drawings and descriptions of time-tested components, mechanisms, and devices. A carefully compiled index lets you quickly find a specific component which may very well be the exact problem-solving answer you’ve been seeking. You can count on this guide to help you:

* Recycle successful mechanical inventions into new products, with or without modifications
* Design basic mechanisms from scratch with a chapter of tutorial text and formulas
* Save time researching patents
* Get a refresher on the design and function of bearings, belts, brakes, clutches, couplings, cranks, feeders, gears, genevas, joints, latches, linkages, pumps, screws, springs, and switches
Stay on top of present and future trends in mechanical engineering and machine design, with up-to-date treatments of motion control systems; 2D and 3D CAD software; industrial robots and rapid prototyping (RP) systems; recent research and spinoffs of MEMS technology

Encyclopedic coverage unmatched by any other reference

Издатель: McGraw-Hill

Год издания: 2001

Страниц: 522

Язык: английский

Качество: хорошее

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